Back garden with decking

A lot of people have been stuck at home recently in accordance with the government's coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown rules. Those of us with gardens are still free to enjoy them - as long as we remain at least 2 metres from members of other households - but for the many people who don't have an outdoor space of their own, the past few months have been trying to say the least.

Not surprisingly, the lockdown blues appear to have prompted a significant shift in the UK's house-hunting priorities. New research from Rightmove suggests that gardens have become a key selling point - sellers are now being urged to show off their outdoor spaces in photos of their properties, while buyers are displaying an increased willingness to live away from city centres in return for a decent-sized garden.


Even if you've got minimal outdoor space to work with, a deck can still make a fantastic addition to your property. You can do a lot with a small garden!

Small garden deck

Pictured: EasyClean Terrain+ Silver Maple Composite Decking


decking step installation

Our composite decking boards are endlessly versatile, and if you want your garden deck to stand out from the crowd, there are all sorts of features and extra touches that you can incorporate into the design of your outdoor space.

For example, our deck boards can be used to create neat-looking decking steps to make a seamless transition between your raised deck and the lawn below it. This is also a great solution if you're building a multi-level deck!


Today is the first day of spring and while, for many of us, the following weeks will see the children at home and normal life at a standstill, you can still take advantage of the great outdoors to keep your children entertained.

With lighter evenings on the horizon and temperatures starting to creep up, you should use this time with your children to explore lots of games and activities in the garden. We've put together a list of our favourite garden activities for children to inspire you to keep things interesting at this challenging time.


Incorporating a built-in planter into your garden deck design is the perfect final touch, and when filled with plants, a planter can provide a boost of colour in the spring and summer months.

With warmer weather just around the corner, you may be looking for a unique way to spruce up your outdoor space. Adding planters to your deck adds an extra dimension to your garden's architecture - if you're already thinking of re-doing your decking for the summer, why not add deck planters for a dramatic way of making the most of your garden?

Grey garden deck with flowers in deck planter
